College St in Amherst
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Single Family Residential - 140 COLLEGE ST
Facilities Providing Building Materials, Hardware And Farm Equip, Heating, Hardware, Plumbing, Lumber Supplies And Equip - 151 COLLEGE ST
Pri Schl C - 151 COLLEGE ST
Lease Land - 165-167 COLLEGE ST
Two-Family Residential - 166 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 174 COLLEGE ST
Use Code Not Known Or Nor Provided. - 175 COLLEGE ST
Two-Family Residential - 180 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 181 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 186 COLLEGE ST
Two-Family Residential - 187 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 194 COLLEGE ST
Two-Family Residential - 195 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 197A-197B COLLEGE ST
Two-Family Residential - 200-202 COLLEGE ST
Two-Family Residential - 204 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 213 COLLEGE ST
Auto Repair Facilities - 246 COLLEGE ST
Electricity Regulating Substations - 259 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 260 COLLEGE ST
Use Code Not Known Or Nor Provided. - 263 COLLEGE ST
Single Family Residential - 292 COLLEGE ST
Use Code Not Known Or Nor Provided. - 308 COLLEGE ST
Discount Stores, Junior Department Stores, Department Stores - 312 COLLEGE ST
Eating And Drinking Establishments - Restaurants, Diners, Fast Food Establishments, Bars, Nightclubs - 314-328 COLLEGE ST
Shopping Centers/malls - 32 COLLEGE ST
Pri Schl C - 330 COLLEGE ST
Apartments With More Than Eight Units - 338 COLLEGE ST
Discount Stores, Junior Department Stores, Department Stores - 360 COLLEGE ST
Discount Stores, Junior Department Stores, Department Stores - 381-385 COLLEGE ST
Discount Stores, Junior Department Stores, Department Stores - 390 COLLEGE ST
Bank Buildings - 74 COLLEGE ST
Pri Schl R - 76 COLLEGE ST
Use Code Not Known Or Nor Provided. - COLLEGE ST
Developable Commercial Land - COLLEGE ST
Undevelopable Commercial Land - COLLEGE ST
Electric Transmission Right-Of-Way